Night Pearl

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Night Pearl

Auction Information

Product:Night Pearl


Starting Price:AED:940,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Luminous pearl is a kind of gemstone containing luminous rare elements, ancient names "sui pearl", "hanging pearl", "weeping thorns", "bright moon pearl" and so on, usually referred to as fluorescent stone, luminous stone. For thousands of years, the mysterious and legendary value of the city has made people reverie about it, and it has always been regarded as a rare treasure, and it has been privately owned by the imperial power. This pearl is a heirloom of the Liu family in Yuzhou, with a mellow pulp, polished round, warm as jade, and will release a green glow under natural sunlight or strong light. It has high historical significance and collection value.