Qianlong Year Made Eight Immortals Pot

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Qianlong Year Made Eight Immortals Pot

Auction Information

Product:Qianlong Year Made Eight Immortals Pot


Starting Price:AED:520,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:16.5cm WT:464g

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


This piece of Qianlong New Year Eight Immortals pot height 16.5 cm, weight 464 grams, the carving of the eight immortal figure figure, feel concave and convex, the carving is very delicate and delicate, the eight immortals look free, real and natural, very three-dimensional, especially the pattern of the auspicious clouds of the pot body, fine as silk thread, clearly visible, reflecting the coppersmith's extremely high artistic skills, the overall preservation is good, the pulp is natural, the overall line is stable and generous, the mouth of the pot is a crown yang pattern ornament, the dragon head is mighty, the spout phoenix pattern decoration is beautiful, the spout is slightly flat than the spout, with high collection value.

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