Corner ornament

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Corner ornament

Auction Information

Product:Corner ornament


Starting Price:AED:1,000,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Rhino horn carving is commonly known as "horn carving", and the identification of horn carvings must first understand the basic characteristics of rhino horn materials. The horn carvings are brown and brown in color, with thicker straight lines, and sawn with a hint of line-like texture, which is similar to the radish silk pattern of Huangshi. The main tip of rhino horn is to see if there are fine particles like caviar on the cross-section, which is called "millet pattern", and there is also a "caviar pattern" in the antique shop. In addition, the so-called "heart has a spiritual rhino", which means that the rhino horn has a flower heart, that is, the lighter color and looser texture part of the horn. Rhino horn carvings are rarer, more precious than nuclear carvings, and have greater value-added space, which is the best collection object in miscellaneous collections.