Gu Jingzhou purple clay pot

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Gu Jingzhou purple clay pot

Auction Information

Product:Gu Jingzhou purple clay pot


Starting Price:QAR:4,000,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:9.5cm L:9cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Gu Jingzhou (1915-1996), formerly known as Jingzhou, since the title of Huisou, old Ping, also known as Manxi, thin Ping, Wuling Yirener, Jingnan Shanqiao, was born in Yixing, Jiangsu Province, the first national ministry awarded the "Chinese arts and crafts master" title of pot artists, Yixing purple clay pot artists, members of the Chinese Artists Association, known as "the master of the generation" and "pot art leader". 此壶圆平盖面与壶口取平,吻合紧密。壶流直节,刚直遒劲;壶把大气,曲而不柔。全壶光洁莹润,朴实无华,宛若天成。其壶身刻有诗词及天鹅。藏品其造形以优美的弧线构成主体,线条流暢,浑朴丰润,周正完美,视觉感极为舒适,整个形体丰满、健壮、充满活力,做工精细,包浆厚重老道。圈形壶柄略呈方形,与壶嘴的阳刚之气相呼应,大气得体;大平盖压肩,更方便冲泡;壶肚较深,利于叶片自然舒展;直流嘴如珠炮喷薄而出,力度十足;做到了:出水七寸不散花,收水利索不流涎。1968年是中国文化大革命期间,社会动荡不安、生活艰难。当时,顾景舟在紫砂壶制作上不断探索和创新,有独特的落款方式和雕刻手法,此款壶为印,手刻三种方式落款,极为少见,具有很高的收藏价值和文化艺术欣赏价值! The round flat cover of the pot is flattened with the spout and fitted tightly. The pot is straight, straight and firm; The pot put the atmosphere, curved but not soft. The whole pot is smooth and smooth, plain and unadorned, as if it were made by nature. Its body is engraved with poems and swans. The shape of the collection is composed of beautiful arcs, smooth lines, simple and rich, perfect Zhou Zheng, visual sense is extremely comfortable, the whole body is full, robust, full of vitality, fine workmanship, thick and sophisticated packaging. The ring handle is slightly square, echoing the masculinity of the spout, and the atmosphere is decent; Large flat cover pressure shoulder, more convenient brewing; The deep pot belly is conducive to the natural extension of the leaves; Dc nozzle like a bead gun springing out, full strength; Did it: seven inches of water do not scatter flowers, collect water and do not salivate. 1968 was the year of China's Cultural Revolution, a time of social unrest and hardship. At that time, Gu Jingzhou continued to explore and innovate in the production of purple clay pot, with a unique way of signing and carving techniques, this pot is printed, hand engraved three ways of signing, extremely rare, has a high collection value and cultural and artistic appreciation value!