Bamboo and stone ladybird pot made by Ji'an Ziye Carving Industry

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Bamboo and stone ladybird pot made by Ji'an Ziye Carving Industry

Auction Information

Product:Bamboo and stone ladybird pot made by Ji'an Ziye Carving Industry


Starting Price:QAR:490,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 490,000

Specification:W:15cm H:7.7cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Inscription: "The woodcutter couple belongs to the family of Zi Ye." The inscription reads "Ji'an" and the inscription reads "Shihuzi Fan". The "Ji'an" style on the handle of the teapot has always been controversial. Some people believe that this is a famous purple clay craftsman from the Jiadao period of the Qing Dynasty, who often collaborated with Qu Ziye to make pots. There is another theory that Ji'an is actually Qu Ziye himself, but there is still no consensus.