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Auction Information



Starting Price:QAR:5,000,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:121.5cm W:18.5cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Title of the Qin: "Ming Feng" (Qin Type: Stepped clock style of the Guqin) Craftsman: Ou YangXiu Era: Northern Song Dynasty (964-968) Engraved inside of Dragon Pool (Left): Crafted by Ou Yangxiu, (Right): Second year of Qiande Engraved Gold with Kaishu on Both Sides of the Dragon Pool: "Elegant Qin accompanied by snowing with unconventional spirit" Engraved Gold Seal with Intaglio of Seal Script below the Dragon Pool: Dye with circular seal The soundboard, sides, and back board of the Qin have lacquer finish with distinct grain lines; the connection between the soundboard and back board is evident. Soundboard: Embedded with Shoushan stone,