Ziwen Lingyan

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Ziwen Lingyan

Auction Information

Product:Ziwen Lingyan


Starting Price:QAR:5,000,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:120.5cm W:19cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Title of the Qin: "Zi Wen Ling Yan" (Bead-string Style Vintage Guqin) Craftsman: Lei Xun Era: Tang Dynasty Right Side of the Dragon Pool Sculpture: Crafted by Lei Xun Left and Right of Dragon Pool Sculpture: (Right): "Crossing the Yi River bridge and using inappropriate Paulownia wood to be considered a way of disgrace to the wood." (Left): The central note of Quin is sought through a hundred rituals. (Beneath) of the square seal of "Shen Shi Li Zhong." Soundboard: Painted and inlaid with seashells The soundboard, sides, and back board are lacquered with distinct grain lines. The connection between the soundboard and the bottom board is clear. Gold seal script engraved below the dragon pool: "Hua Shan Grass Hall" square seal. Collector's Introduction: Lei Zailei (1925-2013) was a descendant of the Lei family, and his great-grandfather, Lei Renlong, served as a diplomat in the United States. The legacy of this Qin has been preserved in an orderly manner and passed down through the generations. Lei Sheng, the current owner and the eldest son of Lei Zailei, has an extensive collection of Qins. The family treasures the ancient Qins from the Tang and Song Dynasties. Lei Renlong, his great-grandfather, cherished Qins as if they were treasures, learning, appreciating, collecting, and believing in the healing power of the Qin from a young age. Inscribed inside of Qin's soundboard: Crafted by Lei Xun. "Compendium of Tang and Five Dynasties Literary and Historical Record" is the earliest record about the mass production of Qins in Shu (Sichuan). In the Tang Dynasty, the Lei family, famous for making Qins, emerged in Shu. Over a century, from the prosperous of the Tang Dynasty to the middle of the Tang Dynasty, there emerged nine master craftsmen in the art of making qin (Lei Xun being one of them). The Qins they crafted were known as "Lei Qin," highly esteemed by Qin players.