Glazed Red Courtyard Flower Pattern Jade Pot Spring Vase

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Glazed Red Courtyard Flower Pattern Jade Pot Spring Vase

Auction Information

Product:Glazed Red Courtyard Flower Pattern Jade Pot Spring Vase


Starting Price:508,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本品胎质坚致莹白,釉光滋润厚腴,通体以釉里红绘就,纹饰层次丰富却无繁密之感,安放有序,釉面清润厚腴,如脂似玉,造型端庄秀丽,线条优美,釉里红绘就,线描、渲染及留白技法相结合,极具装饰效果,艺术感染力非常强,形制大气磅薄,笔触奔放灵动、自然挥洒,图案精彩绝伦,整体气势磅礴,具有强烈的艺术感染力和视觉冲击力,其制作规整,线条流畅,造型优美,从胎釉、造型、纹饰、釉色乃至存相,各个方面均是精臻至极,纹饰结构端正大方,展现出画工下笔的精炼流畅,藉由釉里红浓郁的色泽,整体更显得雍容大气。The texture of this product is firm and lustrous white, with a rich and moist glaze. The entire body is painted with underglaze red, and the decorative layers are rich but not dense. The placement is orderly, and the glaze surface is clear and plump, like grease or jade. The shape is dignified and beautiful, and the lines are graceful. The underglaze red painting, line drawing, rendering, and white space techniques are combined to create a highly decorative effect. The artistic appeal is very strong, the shape is atmospheric and thin, the brushstrokes are unrestrained and dynamic, and the patterns are exquisite and unparalleled. The overall momentum is majestic, with strong artistic appeal and visual impact. Its production is neat, the lines are smooth, and the shape is beautiful. From the underglaze, shape, decoration, glaze color, and even appearance, it has a strong artistic appeal in all aspects. All of them are extremely exquisite, with neat and elegant decorative structures, showcasing the refined and smooth strokes of the artist. With the rich red color in the glaze, the overall appearance is elegant and grand