Blue and white glazed red longevity peach patterned sky ball vase

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Blue and white glazed red longevity peach patterned sky ball vase

Auction Information

Product:Blue and white glazed red longevity peach patterned sky ball vase


Starting Price:239,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本品画面写实,青花发色幽蓝,沈静典雅,红彩亮丽纯正,色彩对比和谐悦目,画艺高超整体红蓝交相辉映,青花色泽鲜亮,釉里红亮丽纯正,色彩对比和谐悦目,其绘画技巧和艺术价值在中国绘画史上有着重要的地位,青花浓重时则釉里红发色暗淡,釉里红鲜艳时则青花灰暗,两全其美者,百中不见一二,青花与釉里红均鲜妍欲滴,恰到好处,益见其难能可贵,形制优美,线条流畅,因其优美的线条,釉里红色调鲜红,显色稳定精美,浓重明艳的呈色、超凡脱俗的纹饰,胎釉俱佳,釉里红发色纯美,可谓达到了炉火纯青的地步。The painting of this product is realistic, with blue and white hair colors that are deep and elegant. The red color is bright and pure, and the color contrast is harmonious and pleasing to the eye. The painting art is superb. The overall red and blue complement each other, and the blue and white colors are bright and pure. The red color inside the glaze is bright and pure, and the color contrast is harmonious and pleasing to the eye. Its painting techniques and artistic value have an important position in the history of Chinese painting. When the blue and white are thick, the red color inside the glaze is dull, and when the red color inside the glaze is bright, the blue and white colors are dark. The best of both worlds is rare and rare. The blue and white colors and the red color inside the glaze are both bright and juicy, just right, which is commendable. The shape is beautiful, and the lines are smooth. Due to its beautiful lines, the red color inside the glaze The vivid colors and extraordinary patterns are perfect for both the body and glaze, and the red hair color inside the glaze is pure and beautiful, reaching a level of perfection.