When David Hockney Encounters the Renaissance: Making the Master Disappear?

When David Hockney Encounters the Renaissance: Making the Master Disappear?

When David Hockneys bright and bright paintings meet the classical masters of the Renaissance, who will be better. In the Fitzwilliam Museum of Cambridge University, the exhibition Hockneys Eye: The Art and Technology of Painting launched a...

Ancient Chinese Porcelain: It has become a Hard currency in the world market

Ancient Chinese Porcelain: It has become a Hard currency in the world market

If we talk about Hard currency all over the world, every one of us may think of gold, dollars, even real estate, etc. Benevolent people see benevolence, wise people see wisdom. In my opinion, Chinese porcelain is the real Hard currency in t...

It's so difficult to distinguish the authenticity of porcelain, but there's joy in collecting it

It's so difficult to distinguish the authenticity of porcelain, but there's joy in collecting it

China Guardian Hong Kong Spring Auction auctioned a Ru kiln cup holder as Korean porcelain at a low price of 5 million Hong Kong dollars, which was later identified by experts as the Northern Song Dynasty Ru kiln, just like the Ru kiln cup...

Van Gogh Pissarro's works go online, Impressionism's evening shoot in London

Van Gogh Pissarro's works go online, Impressionism's evening shoot in London

All three works are sourced from Gaston Ravis art collection and were recently returned to Ravis descendants after being scattered during the Nazi occupation. Levi was renowned in the art circle of Paris in the 1920s and 1930s, as a well-kn...

The Art of Isolation "World Famous Painting Series Epidemic Prevention Poster

The Art of Isolation "World Famous Painting Series Epidemic Prevention Poster

In Da Vincis The Last Supper, only Jesus wearing a mask is left. In Michelangelos The Creation of The Creation of Adam, God is handing Adam hand sanitizer, and the silver mink in Da Vincis The Woman Holding the Silver Mink has become a nece...
