大清乾隆年制 霁蓝九金龙纹天球瓶

大清乾隆年制 霁蓝九金龙纹天球瓶


藏 品:大清乾隆年制 霁蓝九金龙纹天球瓶

編 號:1013



規 格:H:54cm D:40cm C:12.5cm B:20cm




大清乾隆年制官窑霁蓝釉描金祥云九龙天球瓶。高度54公分,腰径40公分,上口径12.5公分,底部径20公分。此瓶底下书「大清乾隆年制」六字青花篆书官窑款,。该瓶以鲜艳的蓝色底色上以金彩画流云、九条金龙纹样,并以描金彩画九龙及祥云。这件霁蓝描金大天球瓶证明了乾隆时期的工匠们在探索和完善烧瓷工艺方面的技术和创造力,以迎合皇帝对创新和民族风情的风格。制作以及配合不同的釉料。 ,唐英于1736年接替年希尧任的淮安关税务并兼管景德镇御窑厂务,他被记录为监督制作“描金银 ”这项工艺。 虽然迄今为止,世上目前已出现很多类似纹样的霁蓝金银彩瓷器,但因生产难度大,成本高,此类大型霁蓝陈设用瓷器仍然不多。The official kiln made in the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty features a blue glazed golden cloud and nine dragon celestial sphere vase. Height of 54 centimeters, waist diameter of 40 centimeters, upper diameter of 12.5 centimeters, and bottom diameter of 20 centimeters. At the bottom of this bottle, there is a six character blue and white seal script with the official kiln inscription "Made in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty",. The bottle is painted with flowing clouds and nine golden dragon patterns on a bright blue background, and is decorated with golden dragons and auspicious clouds. This blue painted golden celestial sphere vase proves the skills and creativity of craftsmen during the Qianlong period in exploring and improving porcelain firing techniques to cater to the emperor's style of innovation and national customs. Making and matching different glazes, In 1736, Tang Ying succeeded Nian Xiyao as the tax collector of Huai'an Pass and concurrently managed the Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Factory. He was recorded as supervising the production of the technique of "drawing gold and silver". Although there have been many similar patterns of Jilan gold silver colored porcelain in the world so far, due to the difficulty of production and high cost, there are still not many large-scale Jilan display porcelain of this kind.