清乾隆 洋彩开光镂空“四时富贵”图象耳转心瓶

清乾隆 洋彩开光镂空“四时富贵”图象耳转心瓶


藏 品:清乾隆 洋彩开光镂空“四时富贵”图象耳转心瓶

編 號:1014


成交價:GBP: 600,000.00

規 格:H:41.2cm




此转心瓶由上下两部分组成,以洋彩绘制纹饰。转心瓶上部为口颈部,撇口,束颈,下外撇,口沿描金,绘如意云一周,颈外饰折枝宝相花,两侧贴塑象首,象首雕琢细腻生动,施紫金釉,上描金勾勒。转心瓶中部为球形,通体绘饰缠枝莲花,中部饰四幅圆形开光洋彩镂雕四时花卉,分别为石榴洞石,牡丹玉兰,寒梅傲骨,芙蓉婀娜,寓意四时富贵,多子多福,镂雕精致生动,洋彩敷色妍丽华美。圈足外撇,以粉釉为地绘蕉叶纹,近底则绿釉地缠枝卷草纹一周。器底满施松石绿釉,中央以青花书“大清乾隆御制”篆书款识。本品集洋彩,描金,镂空,转心、浮雕等多种工艺,画面繁复而不杂乱,弥漫着花香,又透露出皇族的威严,简直巧夺天工,美艳非常。该瓶制作于清王朝最为鼎盛的乾隆时期,极尽奢华、叹为观止,充分体现了乾隆时期官窑洋彩瓷器制作工艺的最高成就。转心瓶是乾隆时期宫廷生活极度繁容、极尽奢华下的产物。属于清代创制的一种瓶式。在一个镂孔瓶内,套装一个可以转动的内瓶,上绘各种纹样。内瓶上部为外露的瓶口,瓶身藏于外瓶内,上有装饰绘画,有四季景物、山水人物、花鸟虫鱼等。动内瓶时,通过外瓶的镂孔,可以看见不同的画面,犹如走马灯。转瓶的制作难度很大,要把外瓶的底部制成鸡心状的钮,把内瓶的底心做成鸡心状的槽,钮和槽要绝对吻合。尤其是要考虑外瓶和内瓶的干燥率,以及掌握好烧成后的收缩率。稍稍不注意,造成钮和槽不吻合的话,即便前面再多的辛苦也是白费。所以,制作转瓶的代价十分大,往往是“百里挑一”。不过,“上之所好,下必甚焉”,都是供给宫廷的东西,取悦皇帝之用。无怪乎许之衡在其名作《饮流斋说瓷》中记载,“瓶之腹玲珑剔透,瓶内更有一瓶兼能转动,若是者,名曰‘转心’,乃内府珍裳殊品也”。This heart turning bottle consists of two parts, upper and lower, with patterns painted in Western colors. The upper part of the heart turning bottle is the mouth and neck, with a pursed mouth, a tied neck, and a lower outer pursed mouth. The mouth edge is painted with gold, depicting a circle of auspicious clouds. The neck is decorated with folded branches and precious phase flowers, with elephant heads pasted on both sides. The elephant heads are finely carved and vivid, painted with purple gold glaze and outlined with gold on top. The central part of the heart-shaped vase is spherical, decorated with tangled lotus flowers throughout the body, and decorated with four circular and colorful carvings of four seasonal flowers, namely pomegranate cave stones, peonies and magnolias, cold plums and proud bones, and graceful hibiscus, symbolizing wealth and prosperity in the four seasons, having many children and blessings. The carvings are exquisite and vivid, and the colors of the Western colors are beautiful and beautiful. Leaning the feet outward, the banana leaf pattern is painted on the ground with powder glaze, while the green glaze pattern wraps around the branches and curls around the grass near the bottom. The bottom of the vessel is covered with turquoise green glaze, and the center is inscribed with blue and white seal script "Made by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty". This product combines various techniques such as watercolor, gold painting, hollowing out, heart turning, and relief. The visuals are complex yet not chaotic, filled with the fragrance of flowers and revealing the dignity of the royal family. It is simply exquisite and beautiful. This bottle was made during the most prosperous period of the Qing Dynasty, the Qianlong period, and was extremely luxurious and breathtaking, fully reflecting the highest achievement in the production technology of official kiln foreign colored porcelain during the Qianlong period. The Heart Turning Bottle was a product of the extremely luxurious and luxurious court life during the Qianlong period. It belongs to a bottle style created in the Qing Dynasty. Set a rotatable inner bottle inside a perforated bottle and paint various patterns on it. The upper part of the inner bottle has an exposed mouth, and the bottle body is hidden inside the outer bottle. There are decorative paintings on it, including seasonal scenery, landscape figures, flowers, birds, insects, and fish. When moving the inner bottle, different images can be seen through the perforations on the outer bottle, like a horse lantern. The difficulty of making a rotating bottle is very high. The bottom of the outer bottle needs to be made into a heart-shaped button, while the bottom of the inner bottle needs to be made into a heart-shaped groove. The button and groove must absolutely match. Especially, the drying rate of the outer and inner bottles should be considered, as well as the shrinkage rate after firing. If you don't pay any attention and cause the buttons and slots to not match, even the previous hard work will be in vain. So, the cost of making rotary bottles is very high, often one in a hundred. However, "what is good at the top, what is good at the bottom" are all things provided to the court to please the emperor. No wonder Xu Zhiheng recorded in his famous work "Yin Liu Zhai Shuo Ci" that "the belly of the bottle is exquisite and transparent, and there is also a bottle inside that can rotate simultaneously. If there is one, it is called 'Zhuan Xin', which is a precious garment of the inner palace.".