清乾隆 青花开光粉彩山水楼阁纹扁瓶

清乾隆 青花开光粉彩山水楼阁纹扁瓶


藏 品:清乾隆 青花开光粉彩山水楼阁纹扁瓶

編 號:1015



規 格:C:11cm H:58cm B:20.3*12.7cm W:52cm




清乾隆青花开光粉彩山水楼阁纹扁瓶是一种具有独特艺术价值和历史意义的瓷器。它是清代乾隆时期(1736-1795年)的瓷器工艺品,采用了青花和粉彩两种釉上彩技术。这种扁瓶的形状扁平,腹部宽阔,颈部细长,口沿微侈,圈足。瓶身以青花为地,上面绘有开光图案,开光内则施以粉彩装饰。主题图案通常为山水楼阁纹,描绘的是自然风景和古代建筑,充满了诗情画意。除了艺术价值外,清乾隆青花开光粉彩山水楼阁纹扁瓶还具有很高的历史价值。它反映了乾隆时期瓷器制作工艺的发展和审美观念的变迁,是研究清代瓷器工艺和历史文化的重要实物资料。然而,由于这种扁瓶的存世量较少,加上其独特的艺术价值和历史意义,使得它在收藏市场上的价格非常高昂。因此,对于一般收藏者来说,能够拥有一件清乾隆青花开光粉彩山水楼阁纹扁瓶无疑是一种荣幸和骄傲。The Qing Qianlong blue and white glazed pink landscape pavilion patterned flat vase is a type of porcelain with unique artistic value and historical significance. It is a porcelain handicraft from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty (1736-1795), using two types of glaze color techniques: blue and white and pink. The shape of this flat bottle is flat, with a wide abdomen, a slender neck, a slightly loose mouth, and a rounded foot. The bottle is made of blue and white as the ground, with a light pattern painted on it, and the inside of the light is decorated with pink. The theme pattern is usually landscape architecture, depicting natural scenery and ancient architecture, full of poetic and picturesque elements. In addition to artistic value, the Qing Qianlong blue and white glazed pink landscape pavilion patterned flat vase also has high historical value. It reflects the development of porcelain making techniques and changes in aesthetic concepts during the Qianlong period, and is an important physical material for studying Qing Dynasty porcelain craftsmanship and historical culture. However, due to the limited availability of this flat bottle, coupled with its unique artistic value and historical significance, its price in the collection market is very high. Therefore, for ordinary collectors, it is undoubtedly an honor and pride to have a Qing Qianlong blue and white glazed pink landscape pavilion patterned flat bottle.