清康熙 珐琅彩胭脂紫地牡丹盌

清康熙 珐琅彩胭脂紫地牡丹盌


藏 品:清康熙 珐琅彩胭脂紫地牡丹盌

編 號:1146



規 格:D:14.3cm




此碗当是中西方文化交流在宫廷工艺美术领域碰撞出的璀璨火花,除彩料、技法外,纹饰题材亦是一方面。所绘花卉中牡丹为中国传统文化中的富贵花,其花形饱满,气味芬芳,各色纷呈,色泽艳丽,寓意富贵,自古以来受到人们的喜爱,被誉为“花中”,是装饰美术中的常见纹样,深受康熙帝喜爱,在康熙一朝御窑瓷器、铜胎画珐琅、宫廷家具、地毯上都常作为主题纹饰,也是康熙珐琅彩瓷器中为多见的题材。This bowl is undoubtedly a brilliant spark of cultural exchange between China and the West in the field of palace arts and crafts. In addition to color materials and techniques, the decorative theme is also one aspect. The peony in the painted flowers is a traditional Chinese flower with a rich and fragrant aroma, diverse colors, and bright colors, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. It has been loved by people since ancient times and is known as the "flower in the flower". It is a common pattern in decorative art and loved by Emperor Kangxi. It was often used as a theme decoration on imperial porcelain, copper body painted enamel, palace furniture, and carpets during the Kangxi period, and is also a common theme in Kangxi enamel porcelain.