


藏 品:康熙官窑瓜瓞绵绵哥釉斗彩碗

編 號:1147



規 格:H:5.7cm C:9.1cm B:4.6cm




清人陈浏在《陶雅》中记载:“世界之瓷,以吾华为最, 吾华之瓷以康雍为最。” 该碗高 5.7、口径 9.1、底径 4.6厘米。敞口,深腹,圈足。外壁绘瓜连藤蔓枝叶,蝴蝶跃然其上,蝶与瓞同音。故称瓜瓞绵绵。寓意多子多孙,福寿延绵。胫部绘莲瓣纹一周,底有青花“大清康熙年制”三行六字楷书款。此碗创烧于清康熙时期,哥釉斗彩,工艺复杂,旷绝古今;乃瓷器界中之孤品。观之美感独具。整器形制周正典雅,为康熙官窑瓷器之珍品。Chen Liu, a Qing Dynasty scholar, recorded in "Tao Ya" that "among the porcelain of the world, I am the most beautiful, and Kang Yong is the most beautiful." The bowl is 5.7 meters high, with a diameter of 9.1 and a bottom diameter of 4.6 centimeters. Open mouth, deep belly, circular feet. The outer wall is painted with melons connected to vine branches and leaves, with butterflies leaping onto it. Butterflies sound the same as bamboo. Therefore, it is called a continuous melon vine. The meaning is to have many children and grandchildren, and to have a long and prosperous life. A lotus petal pattern is painted around the tibia, with a blue and white "Qing Kangxi Year System" three line six character regular script inscription on the bottom. This bowl was created and fired during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. It has a complex craftsmanship and is unparalleled in both ancient and modern times; He is a rare item in the porcelain industry. The beauty of observation is unique. The overall shape of the porcelain is elegant and elegant, making it a treasure of Kangxi official kiln porcelain.