清代 青铜佛像坐像

清代 青铜佛像坐像


藏 品:清代 青铜佛像坐像

編 號:5002


成交價:GBP: 2,000,000.00

規 格:H:42cm W:30cm WT:5050g




清代 鎏金释迦牟尼铜坐像,佛像螺发高耸,顶饰肉髻,宽额丰颐,双目俯视,神态威严大耳垂肩,身着袒右肩袈裟,衣纹生动,全跏趺坐,右手结降魔触地印,左手施禅定印。佛像端正大气,面相慈祥。The gilded bronze seated statue of Shakyamuni Buddha in the Qing Dynasty features towering spiral hair, adorned with a meat bun on the top, with a wide forehead and a broad and comfortable figure. When viewed from above, it exudes a majestic demeanor with large earlobes and shoulders. The statue is dressed in a right shoulder robe, with vivid clothing patterns. The Buddha sits cross legged, with a demon subduing touch on the ground imprint on his right hand and a meditation imprint on his left hand. The Buddha statue is dignified and majestic, with a kind face.