清乾隆 镀金青铜八臂观音像

清乾隆 镀金青铜八臂观音像


藏 品:清乾隆 镀金青铜八臂观音像

編 號:5003


成交價:GBP: 870,000.00

規 格:H:36cm W:32cm WT:12000g




清乾隆 铜鎏金三面八臂观音坐像,通体鎏金。观音三面,头戴宝冠,束葫芦形高髻,面相清雅静穆,双耳垂珰。八臂,胸前二手施说法印,左右六手或结法界定印,或施与愿印。胸饰璎珞,腕、臂、足饰宝钏,肩披帛带,自臂缠绕,下身穿贴身罗裙,裙边錾刻有精细的莲叶纹带。两腿结跏趺坐于莲座上,莲座上沿饰联珠纹。Qing Qianlong bronze gilded statue of Guanyin with three sides and eight arms, fully gilded. Guanyin has three faces, wearing a precious crown on her head and a gourd shaped high bun. Her face is elegant and serene, and her ears are pendant. Eight arms, second-hand expression seal on the chest, left and right six hands or knot method boundary seal, or application and wish seal. Wearing a necklace on the chest, precious bracelets on the wrists, arms, and feet, with silk straps draped over the shoulders and wrapped around the arms. Wearing a fitted skirt on the lower body, the hem of the skirt is carved with delicate lotus leaf patterns. Sitting with legs crossed and crossed on a lotus throne, the upper edge of the lotus throne is adorned with bead patterns.