


藏 品: 青花云龙纹如意耳葫芦瓶

編 號:1147



規 格:H:39cm、C:4cm




本品诚为佳瓷名器,於色彩、质感、动态上形成鲜明反差,增加了画面景深层次,以达仙气朦胧、杳莫测其所穷之意味,青花发色淡雅柔和,荡漾着一股阴柔隽秀之气,予人以清新悦目、超逸脱俗之感,发色清丽幽婉,浓淡有致,画工生动细腻,整器纹饰取材布局疏朗,给人一种空灵瑰丽之感,青花发色深沉淡雅,颇见清新之气,胎釉温润,宝光内蕴,历数百年而风采依旧,独特之器型搭配妍美的画意,钴料笔触张弛有致,笔墨意趣尽在眼前,造型稳定朴实,所用青花色泽浓艳,色浓处有黑色铁斑显现,纹饰生动,青花发色鲜艳明丽,稳重古雅,古韵悠然,青花发色深沉,而是借鉴中加以创造,这样不仅适应了宫廷和中国人的审美情趣。This product is truly a masterpiece of porcelain, creating a sharp contrast in color, texture, and dynamics, increasing the depth of field of the image, and conveying a sense of ethereal ambiguity and unfathomability. The blue and white hair color is elegant and soft, with a hint of feminine elegance, giving people a fresh and pleasing feeling. The hair color is clear and elegant, with a balance of intensity and delicacy. The painting is vivid and delicate, and the overall decoration is arranged in a sparse and elegant manner, giving people a sense of ethereal and magnificent beauty. The blue and white hair color is deep and elegant, with a refreshing atmosphere. The body glaze is warm and delicate, and the precious light is inherent. It has stood for hundreds of years but still retains its charm. The unique style is matched with beautiful paintings. The strokes of the cobalt material are relaxed and balanced, and the charm of the brushwork is fully present. The shape is stable and simple, and the blue and white colors used are rich and vibrant, with black iron spots appearing in the areas with strong colors. The decorative patterns are vivid, and the blue and white hair colors are bright and bright, stable and elegant, with a leisurely ancient charm, Blue and white flowers have deep hair color, but they are created by learning from others, which not only adapts to the aesthetic taste of the court and the Chinese people.