


藏 品:元青花花卉龙纹盖罐

編 號:1148



規 格:D:60cm H:43cm




此罐带盖碗口束颈、溜肩、鼓腹、圈足。通身以青花装饰。由覆莲回纹装饰盖体,肩部青花龙纹和两侧铺首相衬托显庄严霸气,腹部道如意牡丹花卉体现高贵而低调奢华,底部翻莲包围,典型螺旋修足。元代青花盖罐是艺术与工艺的完美结合,展现了极高的美学价值和文化意义。元代青花盖罐以其独特的艺术风格和精湛的制瓷技术,成为了中国古代陶瓷艺术的瑰宝。这些盖罐不仅在造型上丰满浑厚。而且在装饰上采用了青花使得整个器物呈现出一种气度雍容而又花团锦簇的艺术效果。青花色泽浓艳,互相衬托,达到了素雅和谐统一。这种色彩搭配不仅极具视觉冲击力,而且展现了元代瓷器制作的独特魅力。 This can with a covered bowl mouth tie neck, shoulder, belly drum, circle feet. The whole body is decorated with blue and white. The cover is decorated with lotus pattern, the shoulder blue and white dragon pattern and the two sides of the prime minister to set off the solemn and overbearing, the belly Rui peony flowers reflect noble and low-key luxury, and the bottom is surrounded by lotus, typical spiral pedicure. Yuan Dynasty blue and white lid jar is the perfect combination of art and craft,shows the high aesthetic value and cultural significance. Yuan Dynasty blue-and-white lid pot with its unique artistic style and exquisite porcelain making technology has become the treasure of ancient Chinese ceramic art.These LIDS are not only plump and thick in shape,but also blue and white are used in decoration, which makes the whole ware present a kind of graceful and colorful artistic effect.blue and white color bright,set off each other,has reached a simple and harmonious unity.This color combination not only has a great visual impact,but also shows the unique charm of porcelain making in the Yuan dynasty .