翡翠 普渡众生 佛像 度母像 挂件两件

翡翠 普渡众生 佛像 度母像 挂件两件


藏 品:翡翠 普渡众生 佛像 度母像 挂件两件

編 號:2035



規 格:5.3×1.15cm,5.61×5.66×1.16cm




翡翠《普度众生》佛像:此翡翠糯冰蓝水观音挂件为佳士得拍卖会评委、陆子冈非遗传承师等,玉雕大师王举然的作品。释迦牟尼佛,意为"释迦族的圣人";此佛像造型端庄大气、开脸慈祥、面部巧用磨砂工艺,凸显立体感、刻画细腻饱满、让人静心、静念、保佑平安吉祥! 翡翠 《度母》佛像:此件为玉雕大师李春合的作品,度母有吉祥圆满、慈悲满愿、健康长寿的寓意,度母在西藏文化中是一位名闻遐迩的女神,因此度母也被称为“多罗观音”或“多 罗观自在菩萨”。两件佛像寓意吉祥、圆满、无论是玉种或雕工都是十分精美、值得佣有!Jade Buddha Statue of Universal Salvation: This jade sticky ice blue water Guanyin pendant is a work of jade carving master Wang Juran, who is a judge at Christie's auction and a non genetic inheritor of Lu Zigang. Shakyamuni Buddha, meaning 'sage of the Shakya clan'; This Buddha statue has a dignified and majestic appearance, with a kind and gentle face. The facial technique of sanding is cleverly used to highlight the three-dimensional effect, with delicate and full depictions, allowing people to calm down, contemplate, and bless peace and auspiciousness! The emerald Buddha statue of Tara: This is the work of the jade carving master Li Chunhe. Tara has the meaning of good luck, compassion, health and longevity. Tara is a well-known goddess in Xizang culture, so Tara is also called "Dora Avalokitesvara" or "Dora Avalokitesvara". The two Buddha statues symbolize auspiciousness and completeness, and are exquisitely crafted in both jade and carving techniques, making them worth hiring!