翡翠 黄翡佛观天下 红翡万山红遍 挂件两件

翡翠 黄翡佛观天下 红翡万山红遍 挂件两件


藏 品:翡翠 黄翡佛观天下 红翡万山红遍 挂件两件

編 號:2036



規 格:7.27×4.65×0.71cm 7.27×4.65×0.71cm




黄翡《佛观天下》由玉雕大师林文雄雕刻而成,翡翠玉雕,讲究工必有意,意必吉祥,佛代表佛佑平安之寓意,佛观天下有大爱!是一种胸襟气魄的体现。大师用翡翠颜色之美和纹理的走向,设计出如此完美及巧夺天工之神韵作品!值得收藏。 红翡《万山红遍》圆牌挂件,红翡翠属于高端翡翠里千里挑一,非常难得一见。红皮醇厚灿烂,色沁状态极丰富,聚散有致,由深到浅,外有“万山红遍”内有“紫气东来”意境深远,均凝于方寸之间,给人无限遐想和创作的无尽可能。以浮雕技法、极精巧地描绘出一幅山水画卷,山峦绵延重叠,秋高云阔,层林尽染,寓意深远,美轮美奂。Huang Fei's "Buddha's View of the World" was carved by the jade carving master Lin Wenxiong. Jade carving emphasizes that craftsmanship must be intentional, meaning must be auspicious, and Buddha represents the meaning of Buddha's blessing for peace. Buddha's view of the world has great love! It is a manifestation of broad mindedness and courage. The master used the beauty of jade color and the direction of texture to design such a perfect and exquisite masterpiece! Worth collecting. Red Jade "Wan Shan Hong Ban" Round Pendant, Red Jade belongs to the high-end jade category and is very rare to see. The red skin is mellow and brilliant, with a rich and diverse color state. It has a harmonious combination of gathering and dispersing, from deep to light, with the imagery of "thousands of mountains covered in red" on the outside and "purple energy coming from the east" on the inside. The profound artistic conception is condensed in every inch, giving people endless possibilities for imagination and creation. Using relief techniques and exquisite depiction, a landscape painting is created, with mountains stretching and overlapping, autumn high and clouds wide, and layers of forests dyed in color, conveying profound meaning and beautiful scenery.