


藏 品:松梅紫砂壶

編 號:5075



規 格:L:22cm、W:14cm




本品其线条干净利落,清气朗朗,气度不凡,风格独具,强调了怎样才能领会体验紫砂光货素器视胎艺术美的精神实质,可谓异曲同工,全壶气度椎浑凝练,技艺精雅而工致,显时代装饰精巧之风,彰显精、气、神、韵之美,造型古拙、姿容挺秀,线条明承暗合,转折适度,自有韵味,壶嘴自然胥出,壶把简洁有力,形态灵动自如,组盖塑形别败,口盖严丝合缝,尽显功力,整器布局巧妙,别出心载,气韵端庄稳重,借着陶都窑火的艺术铸成永恒,文人情怀跃然而出,壶嘴与壶身的连接处、壶颈的肩线线条等细节处都显现出手工艺的趣味和紫砂传统造型艺术的精神。This product has clean and crisp lines, a clear and elegant appearance, an extraordinary aura, and a unique style. It emphasizes how to understand and experience the spiritual essence of the artistic beauty of the purple clay light cargo container. It can be said to be similar in style. The entire pot has a smooth and concise aura, and the craftsmanship is refined and exquisite, showing the exquisite style of the times and the beauty of precision, qi, spirit, and rhyme. The shape is ancient and simple, the appearance is elegant, the lines are clear and hidden, the turning is moderate, and the charm is unique. The spout naturally emerges, the handle is simple and powerful, the shape is flexible and free, the lid is molded and not lost, the lid is tightly closed, and the skill is fully displayed. The layout of the whole pot is clever, and the heart is not carried out, and the charm is dignified and stable. Through the art of pottery kiln fire, eternity is forged, and the emotions of literati leap forth. The connection between the spout and the body of the pot The shoulder lines and other details of the neck of the teapot showcase the fun of craftsmanship and the spirit of traditional purple clay sculpture art.