


藏 品:仙桃紫砂壶

編 號:5076



規 格:L:17cm、W:15cm




本品形器别致严谨,线条流畅和谐,技巧精湛,大雅而深意无穷,简练中蕴含线条变化之美,浑圆与线条的流畅相得益彰,显示出流动端庄之美,气韵饱满,淡定从容,壶身表面工艺已甄完美,抚之滑若凝脂,整体形态的把握和布局亦可见此时眼光之老辣,娴熟、功力深厚,增添了活力,以纯净的泥料、谨严变幻的线条、富有弧度变化的块面而散发着圆融之美,抚之滑若凝脂,形成圆中有方、方中带圆的构图特色,充分掌握运用了雕塑空间关系的美学概念,壶身丰厚扁圆,稳住了上半部的飞扬动势,为整体的造型起到了关键作用。This product has a unique and rigorous shape, smooth and harmonious lines, exquisite skills, elegant yet profound meaning, concise yet containing the beauty of line changes. The roundness and smoothness of the lines complement each other, showing a flowing and dignified beauty, full of charm, calm and composed. The surface craftsmanship of the pot body has been perfected, and the smoothness of the touch is as smooth as condensed grease. The overall form and layout also show the old and spicy taste of the eyes at this time. Skilled and skilled, it adds vitality. With pure clay materials, strict and changing lines, and curved and varied block surfaces, it exudes the beauty of roundness and fusion. The smoothness of the touch is as condensed grease, forming a composition feature of square in circle and circle in square, fully mastering the use of sculptural spatial relationships. The aesthetic concept is that the pot body is rich and flat, stabilizing the upward momentum of the upper part and playing a key role in the overall shape.